Welcome to Tor Bridge High
Welcome to our website! We hope that you find it both a useful source of day-to-day information and also somewhere that gives you a sense of what the school is like.
Our mission is to transform lives and strengthen our communities and to make the world a better place. We do this through our core values of Courage, Love and Ambition.
We hope these pages enable you to understand what we feel makes this school a great school in which students can learn and grow based on: high expectations for students of all abilities; a rich curriculum that is carefully sequenced and planned to reflect the needs of our students; and a clear focus on providing a springboard to a fulfilling, independent future for all our students, preparing them for the challenges that life beyond Tor Bridge High may present, and to be the best that they can be. We deliver a broad curriculum, which enables students to achieve their full potential and facilitates personal development.
Mrs T Stephenson – Headteacher, Tor Bridge High