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Humanities - Philosophy & Ethics

Cultures & Values makes a key and unique contribution to the development of our students and embeds the school ethos of ‘Recognising, nurturing and celebrating the uniqueness of individuals by helping the students with their understanding of British heritage, values and futures’. 

By providing consistent opportunities for the explicit teaching of subject specific vocabulary and engagement with the whole school oracy strategies we are enabling our students to become fluent in discussing the cultural, political and philosophical issues that they will encounter, using their acquired knowledge and understanding of evidence to inform their viewpoint. 

The students also learn to respect themselves and understand their own identity, to respect others, and to understand their own and others' rights and responsibilities. At a time when communities are becoming more diverse there is an even greater need for a more religiously literate and tolerant society.

Humanities - Philosophy & Ethics


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We study RE to explore what people believe and what differences these make to how they live. We aim to equip all students with the ability to think for themselves as they study philosophical, theological and social issues. To be open minded to other points of view and to identify and challenge misconceptions and prejudice. To have knowledge and understanding of the main beliefs and practises of the main religions in the world today. We aim to encourage students to be critical thinkers and develop their literacy ability in order to debate controversial issues without causing offense to others. We want students to be inspired by Religious Education, and motivated to make a positive difference in the lives of those around them. We want all students to aim high and progress to be the best they can be, whatever their situation or starting point. Academically, by reaching and surpassing their expected banding or grade. Personally, by becoming good, respectful and caring individuals who will continue to be hard working, decent, honest young adults who are well placed to leave the school and make a positive contribution to society.

What Will I Study?

All students in years 9, 10 and 11 follow the Edexcel Religious Studies GCSE. The course looks at  Christian Beliefs and Practices and compares and contrasts these with Islamic Beliefs and Practices. There are also thematic studies in Relationship & Families, Matters of life and death, Crime & Punishment and Peace and Conflict.

How Will I Be Assessed?

Students will be provided with a systematic approach to retrieving and interleaving of knowledge through assessments ranging from Low Stake Tests, at the start of every lesson, to develop knowledge recall and retention through to end of unit assessments (which will be similar to GCSE style exams). Extended writing questions to develop their AO2 skills. Students sit mock examinations at the end of yr10, in February of their Yr11 studies.

What Experiences Will I Get From Culture & Values?

Guest speakers from Plymouth Centre for Faith and Cultural diversity and other outside organisations.


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