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Exam Results

Exam Results


KS4 Progress Data
KS4 Performance Data
Ks5 Performance Data
Progress 8
Average grade Academic
Attainment 8
Applied General
% Students achieving a strong pass in English & Maths (9-5)
46 %
Tech Level
Distinction +
% Students achieving a pass in English & Maths (9-4)
68 %
% pass (A* - E)
100 %
% Students achieving a pass in English
72.5 %
% Students achieving A* ? B grade
39 %
% Student achieving a pass in Maths
71.4 %
Average Point Score per A-level Entry
APS of EBacc cohort
% Staying in education or entering employment
100 %
% of students entered for the EBacc
22.4 %
% of Students achieving a strong pass in the EBacc
8.2 %

Destinations July 2024

Key Stage 4​

We are delighted to have supported the vast majority of our students at the end of KS4 into positive next stage of their journeys, students have selected a variety of further education and apprenticeship options as summarised below:


Key Stage 5

In terms of destinations at the end of Key Stage 5, the percentage of students who continue to further education, training or employment at the end of 16-19 study,  can be viewed below:


Our Partnership Organisations

Plymouth Marjon


Open University


Plymouth University

Plymouth University is one of the UK's prominent and dynamic universities with an educational history dating back to 1862.


Lipson Community College

A secondary school based in Plymouth, whose sixth form is linked with Tor Bridge High.


Education Endowment Foundation

Challenging educational disadvantage, sharing evidence, finding out what works.

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