Exam Results
KS4 Progress Data | KS4 Performance Data | Ks5 Performance Data | Indicators |
Progress 8 | -0.11 | Average grade Academic | C+ |
Attainment 8 | 44.03 | Applied General | Merit |
% Students achieving a strong pass in English & Maths (9-5) | 46 % | Tech Level | Distinction + |
% Students achieving a pass in English & Maths (9-4) | 68 % | % pass (A* - E) | 100 % |
% Students achieving a pass in English | 72.5 % | % Students achieving A* ? B grade | 39 % |
% Student achieving a pass in Maths | 71.4 % | Average Point Score per A-level Entry | 31.3 |
APS of EBacc cohort | 3.80 | % Staying in education or entering employment | 100 % |
% of students entered for the EBacc | 22.4 % | ||
% of Students achieving a strong pass in the EBacc | 8.2 % |
Destinations July 2024
Key Stage 4​
We are delighted to have supported the vast majority of our students at the end of KS4 into positive next stage of their journeys, students have selected a variety of further education and apprenticeship options as summarised below:
Key Stage 5
In terms of destinations at the end of Key Stage 5, the percentage of students who continue to further education, training or employment at the end of 16-19 study, can be viewed below:
Our Partnership Organisations
Plymouth University is one of the UK's prominent and dynamic universities with an educational history dating back to 1862.
A secondary school based in Plymouth, whose sixth form is linked with Tor Bridge High.
Education Endowment Foundation
Challenging educational disadvantage, sharing evidence, finding out what works.